
Scandinavian Toy Institute (STI) is built upon a foundation of over 40 years of research based on more than 60 books.

Scandinavian Toy Institute’s (STI) accreditation of toys, play implements, and learning products are mainly based on the Knowledge Wheel©, the jewel resulted from the research of Dr. Jorn Martin Steenhold, PhD.

The Knowledge Wheel© and the 10 skills associated with it are built upon research focusing on the process of learning through play, toys, and other implements.
Dr. Jorn Martin Steenhold‘s research is ongoing and consistently updated.

More than 600 articles all dealing with children’s development, play, and learning.

Scandinavian Toy Institute’s accreditation and Certification of toys, play and learning products are founded on the research of Dr. Jørn Martin Steenhold, C.Phil. 

The Knowledge Wheel© is designed and based on research into children’s learning through play using toys and other implements.

The Knowledge Wheel©

Knowledge wheels are representative of a holistic approach to understanding child development through play and learning.
The Knowledge Wheel© was developed as a visualisation of the creative activities and experimental play and learning processes that best stimulate the development of children’s and adolescents’ many intelligences and competences.
The knowledge wheels substantiate children’s mental and physical development in the following areas:
– knowledge and recognition
– sensory perception
– creativity
– narrative
– handling tools
– using toys
– understanding games
– play and innovation
– socialisation and development
– moulding, drawing
– artistic expression
– handiwork, crafts expression

The knowledge wheels are tools by which to analyse, evaluate and innovate.
There is documentation and further information about the Knowledge Wheel© on this website.

Intelligence, competence, knowledge and wisdom
Our intelligence is our capacity to learn. Competence and knowledge are the things we learn.
When we learn, we become wiser. Wisdom is having the capacity to apply what we have learned.

International recognition
The Knowledge Wheel© and Dr. Jørn Martin Steenhold’s research are internationally recognised. Dr. Jørn Martin Steenhold is an active member of several international play and learning research networks.
The Knowledge Wheel© is used in all the following countries and translated into the appropriate languages: Sweden, Norway, Germany, UK, Faeroe Islands, Russia and Spain.

Jørn Martin Steenhold is one of the Co-founders of ITRA – International Toy Research Assosiation

– International Toy Research Association –